东北羽毛球俱乐部 (NEBC)
NEBC (Northeast Badminton Club) is conveniently located in central NJ (Exit 10 or 12 of I-287). All seven courts, including a training court, are certified by BWF (Badminton World Federation). NEBC is dedicated to developing young badminton players in Northeastern US and becoming the best badminton club in this area. As a pioneer of this game in the east coast of the US, NEBC strives to make badminton a more popular game in the entire east coast.
NEBC was founded by Mr. Qiu Liang, a former player of Chinese National Badminton Team, also the only level-2 HP certified coach of ABA (American Badminton Association). He coached the Italian National Badminton Team during 2002-2012 and succeeded in bringing the first Italian badminton player to the Olympics. His team also won 5 national champions in Italy during his tenure. Mr. Qiu moved to the US in 2012 and became the first full-time professional coach in NJ. He has not only devoted himself to this game but also became so innovative that he created a unique, science-based training methodology that is more efficient than the traditional one. His methodology can inspire the players to their full potential and therefore make them better players in a faster manner. All this has earned him a great reputation in NJ’s badminton community.
NEBC has an ace coaching team. Mr. Yao Kai, also a former player of Chinese National Badminton team and a teammate of Mr. Lin Dan, the two-time Olympic champion. Mr. Yao coached Bayi Badminton Team, one of the best badminton team in China and in the world and contributed 7 players to China’s National Badminton Youth Team during his tenure. current 4 players in the China National Badminton Youth Team and 2 players in the China National Badminton Team. Ms. Deyana Lomban, with four World Grand Prix titles with three different partners, is the Director of doubles coaching in the club. Together with many other professional and capable coaches, the club has one of the best coaching teams in the US and offers a variety of training courses to the local community.
NEBC now has over 90 young players, with age ranging from 6 to 17. Among them, there are ten best players in the ranking of American Badminton Association and eight players in the US National Badminton Youth Team. NEBC truly represents the highest standard in this sport not only in NJ but also in the entire east coast of the US. Your children are more than welcome to join many other outstanding young badminton players, grow together and elevate NEBC to a higher level. We hope our everlasting commitment and professional approach to the sport can also elevate the US badminton team to a higher level in the international competition.
位于新泽西中部的Northeast Badminton Club (NEBC) 羽毛球馆,具有优越的地理位置,距离高速路出口仅三分钟车程,六个专业羽毛球场加一个训练场将创造优质的运动空间。Northeast Badminton Club中文译名为“东北羽毛球俱乐部”,以争做美国东北部最强羽毛球俱乐部为目标,致力于青少年专业羽毛球技能培训,以先行者的姿态引领美东地区的羽毛球运动走向全新的专业道路,引导区域羽毛球运动产业的发展。
Northeast Badminton Club 羽毛球馆创始人邱量,是原中国国家羽毛球队队员、新泽西州唯一获得美国羽协认证的国家二级教练员,他全心致力于羽毛球传播与推广事业,利用其十余年丰富的教练经验,通过反复总结、锐意独创出一套训练方法,该方法与传统的训练手段相比,能更高效、更专业、更合理的激发青少年的运动潜能并有助于青少年快速提高羽毛球技能。在2002-2012担任意大利国家队教练期间,培养出意大利羽毛球史上第一个进入奥运会的选手、意大利单双打全国冠军五名。2012年受聘来到美国,成为新泽西州第一位受聘的全职羽毛球教练,在新泽西羽坛内享誉盛名。
除此之外,Northeast Badminton Club力邀两名世界级教练加入,一位是中国羽坛王者林丹的队友、八一队教练姚凯,前中国国家队成员。退役后留八一队执教,先后培养出七名队员入选国青队,现有四名队员在国青队集训,两名队员在国家队集训;另一位则是来自印尼的前全英公开赛女双冠军Deyana Lomban,印尼国家队获得尤伯杯冠军主力成员,将主管双打教学。俱乐部师资力量完善,教学内容完整,针对羽毛球单打,双打,混双不同的技战术特点,分别有不同特长的教练指导。放眼全美,这都是无比强大的教练团队,三位重量级羽毛球巨匠将齐心协力,势将为孩子们打造精致高端的羽毛球训练!
截止目前,俱乐部已拥有90人的青少年培训队伍,年龄在6-17岁,其中,有15人在美国羽协排行榜中位居前十,更有8名选手入选美国国家青年队,这是一支不仅仅代表新泽西,更是代表整个美东地区水平的运动队伍。如果您的孩子来到这里,将会有机会与这些优秀的青少年羽毛球选手同场竞技,是历练,更是成长!Northeast Badminton Club将以坚定的态度、专业的水准认真教学,为未来羽坛的效率化发展注入新鲜力量。
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